Knowing the higher truths of life will change the way we look at it.

6 min read

Photo: Pixabay

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.

Galileo Galilei

None of us likes to hear about anything that’s not true. Thus, at our core, all we want others to tell us is the truth. We always want to read, listen, and experience the truth. For entertainment purposes, we may like some fiction. But in general, we want life to be real. Isn’t it?

Isn’t it interesting that ‘truth is not static; it’s dynamic’? It exists on different levels, and higher the level of truth we know better will be our approach towards life. 

Discovering higher truths requires humility and open-mindedness. For example, there would be things or aspects of life that initially appear as very silly or funny, or even abstract. But, as we move along with our life, we will be able to make sense of those silly or abstract things and even appreciate their impact in our life. 

Let us take a few more examples in the form of Q & A to understand this aspect better.

Question A: Why did the plane crash?
Answer 1: Because of gravity.
Answer 2: There was a technical problem in the aircraft.
Answer 3: It was the destiny of that plane: thus, it crashed.

Question B: Why do I get diseases?
Answer 1: Because you have a body that can get diseases.
Answer 2: Because you don’t take care of yourself very well.
Answer 3: The environment you live in is like that.

Question C: Why is Mr. X always rude to me?
Answer 1: Because that’s his nature.
Answer 2: It’s your bad luck.
Answer 3: He doesn’t know how to behave well with you.

The above were simple questions that can have more than one correct answer. Each of the answers could be true in some sense or the other. We may argue that something that’s true based on facts and figures for material aspects may be different when it comes to feelings or emotions as each one of us has our own truths, and we drive our lives based on those truths.

We may have the same questions but our answers to those could be different. Further, each answer that we choose will have its own potency to bring the change in our response.

Luck factor may be the truth of life for a person who chooses answer 2 (It’s my bad luck) for question C. But this truth may not bring any significant positive change in the way he experiences his life, nor in the way he is going to behave with Mr. X.

Everything that happens in our life could have multiple reasons behind it. Quite often, we will not be able to zero in on the actual cause behind a particular effect in our life. Nevertheless, based on our capacity, we put in our best efforts into an intelligent reasoning process to discover answers that can help us reform and revive our life. Whatever we discover out of this exercise would determine the truths we hold on to for the rest of our life.

Moving on in life is a natural phenomenon. Along the way, we come across various situations and experiences that will help us give up the ‘lower truths’ and seek the ‘higher’ ones instead. For example, children expect everyone around them to fulfill their needs and wants. They cry and demand things from their parents. If the child gets anything that is less than what he had asked for, then he tends to feel bad about them.  But, as we grow up, we understand that we cannot get things that we want by just crying; and that we have to work hard for everything. We also come to realize that our parents had given their best for us and that we need not feel bad for whatever they could not do for us.

A great mind had said, “Each individual is so attached to his or her way of life that he is not bothered about understanding the higher truth which is full of bliss and wisdom.”

Different aspects of our life hold different truths about people and things around us. If we are not willing to know and understand more about them, we may not move ahead in our life and even lose some great opportunities to live our life to the fullest.

To discover the higher truths, we need to look deeper and look beyond.

  1. Look deeper: We all need to practice “meta reasoning” i.e., try to find the reason behind the reason. In general, we may go deeper to resolve our professional challenges but when it comes to of physical or mental issues, we just do superficial reasoning or hardly go deep to find the root cause. If someone has nephrolithiasis (kidney stones), then medical science says mostly it’s because urine contains more crystal-forming substances (such as calcium, oxalates, and uric acid) than the fluid can dilute besides, the urine may lack substances that prevent crystals from sticking together, creating an ideal environment for kidney stones formation. This is true.

    But if we dwell further, we can know (from energy sciences) that it can also be due to the excessive anger that we have harbored in ourselves. Thus, when we go deeper, we will come to know about a higher reality which can enable us to work on the root cause of the problem along with treating the problem at the physical level.
  1. Look beyond: One of the most frequently asked questions in interviews is, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” We answer it according to our desires and the capabilities that we have.

    Imagine, if someone asks you, “Where do you see yourself after 100 years?

    That’s crazy, isn’t it? We don’t know about the next 5-10 years and to be alive till the age of 60-70 years itself seems tough, so it is ridiculous to ask such a question.

    Somehow, we ask many questions related to how to live better or how to live life happily, etc., but we rarely ask questions that question our very existence.

    Where were we before taking birth?

    Where we will go after our death?

    Why we have to live?

    Why we need happiness?

    Why we long to love, and to be loved?

    These kinds of fundamental questions will impel us to look at life from a whole new perspective. Gradually, we will realize that we have many lower truths in our life that hold us back from experiencing life as it should be.
The ways and means to discover higher truths may vary from person to person based on their inclinations, time, and ability to understand. But the journey that we embark on to find answers to such existential questions will surely fill our life with an energy that can enable us to handle our circumstantial issues with more ease and clarity.
While it is necessary to focus on, and maintain, our ongoing life, we risk losing sight of the real purpose of  why we came into existence,  if we neglect to look beyond it.

Thank you.

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Sriharsh Vaidya

(Pranic Psychotherapist and Licensed Practitioner of NLP)

 *Disclaimer: The diet plans, remedies, and other health-related suggestions published on this website are a collation of information on directions and advice from experts (dietitians and others) provided by the respective expert mentioned as the author of an article and, as such, are sourced from reliable and competent sources. However, both the experts themselves as well as the site owners/promoters request readers to consult their family doctor/physician before using the information on this site and also to exercise caution as necessary. By visiting this site and, by virtue of accessing any information from the site, site users indemnify, by default, the site owners/promoters, dietitians, experts, and affiliates, of any potential damage caused (in any form whatsoever). 

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  1. It’s a stunning article prabhuji . 🙏 As you said – To understand this article , need to think and have the capability to relate our real time experience to get the taste of the article to implement in real life. It’s eye opener for to think in many ways when we get the problems to understand the reason behind the reason to get happy life 😊👌