Some people come in your life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons.
Mother Teresa
We, humans, are fundamentally relational beings. Therefore, unlike the animal kingdom, we seem to struggle to survive long (enough) if isolated from our fellow beings. We need people to live with as we form relationships with them at different stages of our life. From the time we are born up until we leave this world, we come in contact with many people and, basis to our needs and preferences, we tend to form some sort of relationship or the other with them.
We all have some discretion to choose people with whom we want to be with such as our friends, business partners, life partner, etc. But the majority of the people that we have to live with may not be of our choice; rather they’d be a part of our destiny – such as our parents, relatives, classmates, teammates, etc.
Whether it is our choice or destiny, everyone comes into our life for a purpose. It is impossible to please everyone but we can at least try to live in harmony with all; because the health of our relationships plays a vital role in shaping our physical and psychological well-being.
Imagine, you have major conflicts with your superiors at work or, within your family; and you are not able to resolve them. Don’t you think this will hamper your productivity and enthusiasm to do good? Moreover, it will not only make you stressed at work but it may also cause an outburst of excessive anger which may affect those who are not even connected to the actual issue.
The study of psychosomatic diseases based on energy sciences states that every time we get negative thoughts and express emotions in an unhealthy way or suppress them within us, we are likely to feed toxins to our own system. Not only that, but we also lose a great amount of our vital energy that could have otherwise been utilized to do constructive things.
Thus, investing our efforts towards ensuring healthy relationships is not optional; rather, it is a non-negotiable necessity of human life. The more we neglect our relationships, the more we render suffering to ourselves and others too.
To deepen our understanding of healthy relationships, let us know more by briefly answering some pertinent questions.
- What are the major components of a healthy relationship?
- What can a healthy relationship actually give us?
- What is required to build healthy relationships?
What are the major components of a healthy relationship?
- Trust: In general, what we can see is actions and their results but not the intentions behind them. In a healthy relationship, the trust allows considering a person’s good intentions over wrong actions or bad results. Moreover, it also gives the opportunity to improve.
- Communication: It is easy to appreciate or talk about something that can be easily accepted. But, many of us feel uncomfortable when it comes to giving feedback to rectify or to put across something that may not get easily accepted. In a healthy relationship, however, communication flow between two people is clear and firm – almost always. The endeavour is not only about being good but also getting things done in the right perspective.
- Respect: We all long for a dignified life. We may not expect everyone to admire us but we want to be at least valued and respected for the work we do sincerely. In a healthy relationship, there exists mutual respect by considering each other as a valuable part of a team, beyond how small or great the respective contribution is.
- Acceptance: If we want people to improve, first we need to accept them as they are. In a healthy relationship, the talk is more about utilizing and highlighting the strengths than condemning and mocking about the other person’s weaknesses.
- Affection: When two people come together, there could be friction; and the lubricant that can ease this friction is love or affection. A healthy relationship builds its foundation on the affection that can give endurance to the relationship even when there are reasons to break apart. Affection also gives the strength to forgive the other person and take the necessary actions for reformation
Too good annayya . Now a days so many people facing the relationship problem , simply breakup things happening in Frinedship , love and married life too . Lack of acceptance and lack of trust , benefit of doubt so many people loosing their best one’s .
Always people have the dicease called – Am right , logical thinking missing psychological emotions from both sifters point of view. Extraordinary article annayya , God must have a plan on you to reach your wisdom to his children’s ( people) to be happy and stay healthy with their loved one’s. 🙏🙏🙏