Sore throat: The most common symptom during this pandemic

2 min read

A sore throat may scare you, but do not panic. It is most common because of viral infection and, sometimes, a bacterial infection. This can be due to colds, influenza, infections, tonsillitis or inflammation of the tonsils, or epiglottis inflammation and, now, the coronavirus.

Where antibiotics haven’t proved to be helpful in fighting viral infections, natural remedies can provide appreciable relief from the symptom. 

Here are some easy home remedies to help ease the anxiety you may have.

1. Licorice root (Mulethi): It relieves the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat. Boil ½ inch of the root in water, and have 1 cup of the concoction in the morning and at bedtime. Do this until you feel relieved of the soreness. You can also purchase this in powder, tea, and capsule extract forms and have it once in a day.

2. Salted-water gargle: Gargling warm salted-water is another solution. Mix ½ tsp of salt to warm water and gargle with the liquid once every 4 to 5 hours. This will also help break down the hard phlegm caused by cold.

3. Apple cider vinegar:  Gargle with salt and apple cider vinegar. Salt acts as an antiseptic agent while vinegar soothes the throat. Add a pinch of salt and 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar to 1 glass of lukewarm water, use this mixture to gargle 4-5 times a day. Especially, when you wake up and just before going to bed.

4. Garlic: It is a powerful antibiotic and an antiseptic agent. It helps reduce the inflammation, fights the infections, and provides relief from pain. Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic/day.

5. Cloves: Add cloves to your food or eat raw -1 or 2 cloves/day. They have antibacterial properties thus aiding relief during sore throat caused by bacterial infections.

Make sure you eat plenty of Vitamin C – either through food or through supplements, as it helps to heal faster and fights against infection.

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Dt. Anjali Khandale (M.Sc., Nutrition & Dietetics)

 *Disclaimer: The diet plans, remedies, and other health-related suggestions published on this website are a collation of information on directions and advice from experts (dietitians and others) provided by the respective expert mentioned as the author of an article and, as such, are sourced from reliable and competent sources. However, both the experts themselves as well as the site owners/promoters request readers to consult their family doctor/physician before using the information on this site and also to exercise caution as necessary. By visiting this site and, by virtue of accessing any information from the site, site users indemnify, by default, the site owners/promoters, dietitians, experts, and affiliates, of any potential damage caused (in any form whatsoever). 


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